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Congratulations to Changhyun, Yuan , Xinyi, and Sitangshu for their paper being published in Science Robotics!!
In this work, they proposed a novel technique to modulate finger friction using surface temperature change. Experimental measurements indicate ~50% increase in sliding friction with increase of localized surface temperature of glass from 23 Celsius to 42 Celsius. Results from this study can be used to render virtual features on advanced surface haptic devices using temperature.

February 2022
The article "Nanotexture Shape and Surface Energy Impact on Electroadhesive Human-Machine Interface Performance" (Research Article, No. adma.202008337R1) was selected to be highlighted in the Women in Materials Science Virtual Issue (linked here) published in Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Science and Small.
February 2022
We are so excited to find out that our journal paper selected as one of the top 2 papers of 2020 published in IEEE Transactions on Haptics!
July 2021

In Taratalks series for GOTARA (the global career advice network for women in STEM), Dr. Hipwell shared how to develop an innovative mindset and innovation techniques that she has been applying to her career path from industry to academia.
June 2021
Ms. Melissa McGillen, Vice President of Supply Chain for Williams shared her experience with the innovators on "Innovating Your Career for a Clean Energy " in the Women Innovators Speaker Series.
April 2021

Dr. Julia Phillips, Executive Emeritus, Sandia National Laboratory
shared her valuable experience on : "Lessons From a Life in Science and Engineering Outside of Academia" in the Women Innovators Speaker Series
March 2021

Drs Kristen Maitland and Sarah bondos shared her experience and knowledge with innovators on the journy of startups from the research in the Women Innovators Speaker Series.
February 2021

Congratulations to Changhyun, Yuan , Xinyi and Xuezhi for their paper being published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces !!!
In this work, they propose a detailed heterogeneous finger topography model based on the surface roughness power spectrum. The analysis showed a significant difference between the topography on ridges and valleys of the fingerprint and that the real contact area estimation could be different by a factor of 3. In addition, a spatial–spectral analysis method is developed to effectively compare topography response to different condition changes. This paper provides insights into finger topography for advanced human–machine interaction interfaces.

January 2021
Dr. D. Sangeeta, founder and CEO of GOTARA who left her corporate role as VP of connections at Amazon to start her tech startup, shared her experience in Womens Innovators Speaker Series on building the premier global career network for women in STEM.
September 2020
![MicrosoftTeams-image (1)[1].png](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/717eea_8a627b2290fc4b46bb1ebc60a126ce0d~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_388,h_211,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/MicrosoftTeams-image%20(1)%5B1%5D.png)
We are excited to announce that we have a new INVENTor! Dr. Heng Pan is an Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering. Prior to joining the INVENT Lab, he was an Associate Professor at Missouri S&T. Dr. Pan's research interests include additive manufacturing of electronics and energy devices, micro/nanomanufacturing, and semiconductor manufacturing. He has received multiple awards including NSF CAREER Award and ORAU Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award. Welcome Aboard Dr. Pan!
July 2020

Virtual coffee breaks are a great way of feeling connected and staying motivated. Together we will get through this.
June 2020
Ms. Stephanie Murphy shared her experiences and her success in innovating in the new space economy in the Women Innovators Speaker Series. Stephanie Murphy is the principal owner and Executive Chairman of the Board of MEI Technologies, Inc. (MEIT), an advanced technology company providing comprehensive technical and management services in Engineering, Integration, and Test, Space Access, Modeling and Simulation, and also Information Technology/Cybersecurity. She is also the founder and principal owner of Alpha Space
Test and Research Alliance, LLC (Alpha Space) which serves the Materials Science community and Private Sector with materials science research access in the space environment utilizing a privately‐owned laboratory at the International Space Station, making her the first woman to own a commercial facility in space.
March 2020
Women Innovators had a panel discussion on "non-academic career paths for M.S and Ph.D. innovators". The panel included Dr. Nancy Currie-Gregg, Dr. Dilma Da Silva, and Dr. Cynthia Hipwell. Dr. Nancy Currie-Gregg is a former NASA astronaut and currently works as a Professor of Engineering Practice at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Texas A&M University. Dr. Dilma Da Silva has previously worked at Qualcomm Research and IBM Thomas J. Watson research center. Dr. Da Silva currently holds the Ford Motor Company Design Professorship II at Texas A&M University. Dr. Cynthia Hipwell has spent 21 years in industry – most of that as a data storage leader at Seagate Technology. She is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Inventors. Dr. Hipwell currently holds TEES Eminent Professorship at Texas A&M University.
February 2020
Women Innovators had their first 2020 meeting to kick off the new semester. This meeting was led by Program Director, Dr. Cynthia Hipwell. INVENTors and Innovators shared their ideas and reviewed the agenda for the semester.
January 2020
Mr. Rodney Boehm discussed "important tips to improve your elevator pitch" in the Women Innovators Speaker Series. Mr. Boehm is the Director of Engineering Entrepreneurship and Associate Professor of Practice at Texas A&M University.
November 2019